
FPaths::ProjectDir();         工程根目录。

FPaths::GameSourceDir();         工程的Source目录

FPaths::ProjectContentDir();        工程的Content目录


// Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

#pragma once

#include "CoreTypes.h"

#include "Containers/UnrealString.h"

#include "HAL/CriticalSection.h"

namespace UE::Core::Private


const TCHAR* GetBindingType(const TCHAR* Ptr);

const FString& GetBindingType(const FString& Str);

// This is used to force the arguments of FString::Combine to implicitly convert (if necessary)

// to FString when calling CombineImpl(), allowing them to remain as temporaries on the stack

// so that they stay allocated during the combining process.


// Pointer arguments are passed without causing FString temporaries to be created,

// and FString arguments are referenced directly without creating extra copies.


using TToStringType_T = decltype(GetBindingType(std::declval()));



* Path helpers for retrieving game dir, engine dir, etc.


class CORE_API FPaths




* Should the "saved" directory structures be rooted in the user dir or relative to the "engine/game"


static bool ShouldSaveToUserDir();


* Returns the directory the application was launched from (useful for commandline utilities)


static FString LaunchDir();


* Returns the base directory of the "core" engine that can be shared across

* several games or across games & mods. Shaders and base localization files

* e.g. reside in the engine directory.


* @return engine directory


static FString EngineDir();


* Returns the root directory for user-specific engine files. Always writable.


* @return root user directory


static FString EngineUserDir();


* Returns the root directory for user-specific engine files which can be shared between versions. Always writable.


* @return root user directory


static FString EngineVersionAgnosticUserDir();


* Returns the content directory of the "core" engine that can be shared across

* several games or across games & mods.


* @return engine content directory


static FString EngineContentDir();


* Returns the directory the root configuration files are located.


* @return root config directory


static FString EngineConfigDir();


* Returns the Editor Settings directory of the engine


* @return Editor Settings directory.


static FString EngineEditorSettingsDir();


* Returns the intermediate directory of the engine


* @return content directory


static FString EngineIntermediateDir();


* Returns the saved directory of the engine


* @return Saved directory.


static FString EngineSavedDir();


* Returns the plugins directory of the engine


* @return Plugins directory.


static FString EnginePluginsDir();


* Returns the directory for default Editor UI Layout files of the engine

* @return Directory for default Editor UI Layout files.


static FString EngineDefaultLayoutDir();


* Returns the directory for project Editor UI Layout files of the engine

* @return Directory for project Editor UI Layout files.


static FString EngineProjectLayoutDir();


* Returns the directory for user-generated Editor UI Layout files of the engine

* @return Directory for user-generated Editor UI Layout files.


static FString EngineUserLayoutDir();


* Returns the base directory enterprise directory.


* @return enterprise directory


static FString EnterpriseDir();


* Returns the enterprise plugins directory


* @return Plugins directory.


static FString EnterprisePluginsDir();


* Returns the enterprise FeaturePack directory


* @return FeaturePack directory.


static FString EnterpriseFeaturePackDir();


* Returns the directory where engine platform extensions reside


* @return engine platform extensions directory


static FString EnginePlatformExtensionsDir();


* Returns the directory where the project's platform extensions reside


* @return project platform extensions directory


static FString ProjectPlatformExtensionsDir();


* Returns platform and restricted extensions that are present and valid (for platforms, it uses FDataDrivePlatformInfo to determine valid platforms, it doesn't just use what's present)


* @return BaseDir and usable extension directories under BaseDir (either Engine or Project)


static TArray GetExtensionDirs(const FString& BaseDir, const FString& SubDir=FString());


* Returns the root directory of the engine directory tree


* @return Root directory.


static FString RootDir();


* Returns the base directory of the current project by looking at FApp::GetProjectName().

* This is usually a subdirectory of the installation

* root directory and can be overridden on the command line to allow self

* contained mod support.


* @return base directory


static FString ProjectDir();


* Returns the root directory for user-specific game files.


* @return game user directory


static FString ProjectUserDir();


* Returns the content directory of the current game by looking at FApp::GetProjectName().


* @return content directory


static FString ProjectContentDir();


* Returns the directory the root configuration files are located.


* @return root config directory


static FString ProjectConfigDir();


* Returns the saved directory of the current game by looking at FApp::GetProjectName().


* @return saved directory


static const FString& ProjectSavedDir();


* Returns the intermediate directory of the current game by looking at FApp::GetProjectName().


* @return intermediate directory


static FString ProjectIntermediateDir();

static FString ShaderWorkingDir();


* Returns the plugins directory of the current game by looking at FApp::GetProjectName().


* @return plugins directory


static FString ProjectPluginsDir();


* Returns the mods directory of the current project by looking at FApp::GetProjectName().


* @return mods directory


static FString ProjectModsDir();


* Returns true if a writable directory for downloaded data that persists across play sessions is available


static bool HasProjectPersistentDownloadDir();


* Returns the writable directory for downloaded data that persists across play sessions.


static FString ProjectPersistentDownloadDir();


* Returns the directory the engine uses to look for the source leaf ini files. This

* can't be an .ini variable for obvious reasons.


* @return source config directory


static FString SourceConfigDir();


* Returns the directory the engine saves generated config files.


* @return config directory


static FString GeneratedConfigDir();


* Returns the directory the engine stores sandbox output


* @return sandbox directory


static FString SandboxesDir();


* Returns the directory the engine uses to output profiling files.


* @return log directory


static FString ProfilingDir();


* Returns the directory the engine uses to output screenshot files.


* @return screenshot directory


static FString ScreenShotDir();


* Returns the directory the engine uses to output BugIt files.


* @return screenshot directory


static FString BugItDir();


* Returns the directory the engine uses to output user requested video capture files.


* @return Video capture directory


static FString VideoCaptureDir();


* Returns the directory the engine uses to output user requested audio capture files.


* @return Audio capture directory


static FString AudioCaptureDir();


* Returns the directory the engine uses to output logs. This currently can't

* be an .ini setting as the game starts logging before it can read from .ini

* files.


* @return log directory


static FString ProjectLogDir();

/** Returns the directory for automation save files */

static FString AutomationDir();

/** Returns the directory for automation save files that are meant to be deleted every run */

static FString AutomationTransientDir();

/** Returns the directory for results of automation tests. May be deleted every run. */

static FString AutomationReportsDir();

/** Returns the directory for automation log files */

static FString AutomationLogDir();

/** Returns the directory for local files used in cloud emulation or support */

static FString CloudDir();

/** Returns the directory that contains subfolders for developer-specific content */

static FString GameDevelopersDir();

/** Returns The folder name for the developer-specific directory for the current user */

static FString GameUserDeveloperFolderName();

/** Returns The directory that contains developer-specific content for the current user */

static FString GameUserDeveloperDir();

/** Returns the directory for temp files used for diffing */

static FString DiffDir();


* Returns a list of engine-specific localization paths


static const TArray& GetEngineLocalizationPaths();


* Returns a list of editor-specific localization paths


static const TArray& GetEditorLocalizationPaths();


* Returns a list of property name localization paths


static const TArray& GetPropertyNameLocalizationPaths();


* Returns a list of tool tip localization paths


static const TArray& GetToolTipLocalizationPaths();


* Returns a list of game-specific localization paths


static const TArray& GetGameLocalizationPaths();


* Get the name of the platform-specific localization sub-folder


static FString GetPlatformLocalizationFolderName();


* Returns a list of restricted/internal folder names (without any slashes) which may be tested against full paths to determine if a path is restricted or not.


static const TArray& GetRestrictedFolderNames();


* Determines if supplied path uses a restricted/internal subdirectory. Note that slashes are normalized and character case is ignored for the comparison.


static bool IsRestrictedPath(const FString& InPath);


* Returns the saved directory that is not game specific. This is usually the same as

* EngineSavedDir().


* @return saved directory


static FString GameAgnosticSavedDir();

/** Returns the directory where engine source code files are kept */

static FString EngineSourceDir();

/** Returns the directory where game source code files are kept */

static FString GameSourceDir();

/** Returns the directory where feature packs are kept */

static FString FeaturePackDir();


* Checks whether the path to the project file, if any, is set.


* @return true if the path is set, false otherwise.


static bool IsProjectFilePathSet();


* Gets the path to the project file.


* @return Project file path.


static FString GetProjectFilePath();


* Sets the path to the project file.


* @param NewGameProjectFilePath - The project file path to set.


static void SetProjectFilePath( const FString& NewGameProjectFilePath );


* Gets the extension for this filename.


* @param bIncludeDot if true, includes the leading dot in the result


* @return the extension of this filename, or an empty string if the filename doesn't have an extension.


static FString GetExtension( const FString& InPath, bool bIncludeDot=false );

// Returns the filename (with extension), minus any path information.

static FString GetCleanFilename(const FString& InPath);

// Returns the filename (with extension), minus any path information.

static FString GetCleanFilename(FString&& InPath);

// Returns the same thing as GetCleanFilename, but without the extension

static FString GetBaseFilename(const FString& InPath, bool bRemovePath=true );

// Returns the same thing as GetCleanFilename, but without the extension

static FString GetBaseFilename(FString&& InPath, bool bRemovePath = true);

// Returns the path in front of the filename

static FString GetPath(const FString& InPath);

// Returns the path in front of the filename

static FString GetPath(FString&& InPath);

// Returns the leaf in the path

static FString GetPathLeaf(const FString& InPath);

// Returns the leaf in the path

static FString GetPathLeaf(FString&& InPath);

/** Changes the extension of the given filename (does nothing if the file has no extension) */

static FString ChangeExtension(const FString& InPath, const FString& InNewExtension);

/** Sets the extension of the given filename (like ChangeExtension, but also applies the extension if the file doesn't have one) */

static FString SetExtension(const FString& InPath, const FString& InNewExtension);

/** Returns true if this file was found, false otherwise */

static bool FileExists(const FString& InPath);

/** Returns true if this directory was found, false otherwise */

static bool DirectoryExists(const FString& InPath);

/** Returns true if this path represents a root drive or volume */

static bool IsDrive(const FString& InPath);

/** Returns true if this path is relative to another path */

static bool IsRelative(const FString& InPath);

/** Convert all / and \ to TEXT("/") */

static void NormalizeFilename(FString& InPath);


* Checks if two paths are the same.


* @param PathA First path to check.

* @param PathB Second path to check.


* @returns True if both paths are the same. False otherwise.


static bool IsSamePath(const FString& PathA, const FString& PathB);

/** Determines if a path is under a given directory */

static bool IsUnderDirectory(const FString& InPath, const FString& InDirectory);

/** Normalize all / and \ to TEXT("/") and remove any trailing TEXT("/") if the character before that is not a TEXT("/") or a colon */

static void NormalizeDirectoryName(FString& InPath);


* Takes a fully pathed string and eliminates relative pathing (eg: annihilates ".." with the adjacent directory).

* Assumes all slashes have been converted to TEXT('/').

* For example, takes the string:

* BaseDirectory/SomeDirectory/../SomeOtherDirectory/Filename.ext

* and converts it to:

* BaseDirectory/SomeOtherDirectory/Filename.ext


static bool CollapseRelativeDirectories(FString& InPath);


* Removes duplicate slashes in paths.

* Assumes all slashes have been converted to TEXT('/').

* For example, takes the string:

* BaseDirectory/SomeDirectory//SomeOtherDirectoryFilename.ext

* and converts it to:

* BaseDirectory/SomeDirectory/SomeOtherDirectory/Filename.ext


static void RemoveDuplicateSlashes(FString& InPath);

/** Returns a copy of the given path on which duplicate slashes were removed (see the inplace version for more details). */

static FString RemoveDuplicateSlashes(const FString& InPath);


* Make fully standard "Unreal" pathname:

* - Normalizes path separators [NormalizeFilename]

* - Removes extraneous separators [NormalizeDirectoryName, as well removing adjacent separators]

* - Collapses internal ..'s

* - Makes relative to Engine\Binaries\ (will ALWAYS start with ..\..\..)


static FString CreateStandardFilename(const FString& InPath);

static void MakeStandardFilename(FString& InPath);

/** Takes an "Unreal" pathname and converts it to a platform filename. */

static void MakePlatformFilename(FString& InPath);


* Assuming both paths (or filenames) are relative to the same base dir, modifies InPath to be relative to InRelativeTo


* @param InPath Path to change to be relative to InRelativeTo

* @param InRelativeTo Path to use as the new relative base

* @returns true if InPath was changed to be relative


static bool MakePathRelativeTo( FString& InPath, const TCHAR* InRelativeTo );


* Converts a relative path name to a fully qualified name relative to the process BaseDir().


static FString ConvertRelativePathToFull(const FString& InPath);


* Converts a relative path name to a fully qualified name relative to the process BaseDir().


static FString ConvertRelativePathToFull(FString&& InPath);


* Converts a relative path name to a fully qualified name relative to the specified BasePath.


static FString ConvertRelativePathToFull(const FString& BasePath, const FString& InPath);


* Converts a relative path name to a fully qualified name relative to the specified BasePath.


static FString ConvertRelativePathToFull(const FString& BasePath, FString&& InPath);


* Converts a relative path name to a fully qualified name relative to the specified BasePath.


static FString ConvertRelativePathToFull(FString&& BasePath, const FString& InPath);


* Converts a relative path name to a fully qualified name relative to the specified BasePath.


static FString ConvertRelativePathToFull(FString&& BasePath, FString&& InPath);


* Converts a normal path to a sandbox path (in Saved/Sandboxes).


* @param InSandboxName The name of the sandbox.


static FString ConvertToSandboxPath( const FString& InPath, const TCHAR* InSandboxName );


* Converts a sandbox (in Saved/Sandboxes) path to a normal path.


* @param InSandboxName The name of the sandbox.


static FString ConvertFromSandboxPath( const FString& InPath, const TCHAR* InSandboxName );


* Creates a temporary filename with the specified prefix.


* @param Path The file pathname.

* @param Prefix The file prefix.

* @param Extension File extension ('.' required).


static FString CreateTempFilename( const TCHAR* Path, const TCHAR* Prefix = TEXT(""), const TCHAR* Extension = TEXT(".tmp") );


* Returns a string containing all invalid characters as dictated by the operating system


static FString GetInvalidFileSystemChars();


* Returns a string that is safe to use as a filename because all items in

* GetInvalidFileSystemChars() are removed


static FString MakeValidFileName(const FString& InString, const TCHAR InReplacementChar = TEXT('\0'));


* Validates that the parts that make up the path contain no invalid characters as dictated by the operating system

* Note that this is a different set of restrictions to those imposed by FPackageName


* @param InPath - path to validate

* @param OutReason - optional parameter to fill with the failure reason


static bool ValidatePath( const FString& InPath, FText* OutReason = nullptr );


* Parses a fully qualified or relative filename into its components (filename, path, extension).


* @param InPath [in] Full filename path

* @param PathPart [out] receives the value of the path portion of the input string

* @param FilenamePart [out] receives the value of the filename portion of the input string

* @param ExtensionPart [out] receives the value of the extension portion of the input string


static void Split( const FString& InPath, FString& PathPart, FString& FilenamePart, FString& ExtensionPart );

/** Gets the relative path to get from BaseDir to RootDirectory */

static const FString& GetRelativePathToRoot();


FORCEINLINE static FString Combine(PathTypes&&... InPaths)


return CombineImpl(Forward(InPaths)...);



* Frees any memory retained by FPaths.


static void TearDown();


static void CombineInternal(FString& OutPath, const TCHAR** Paths, int32 NumPaths);


struct FStaticData;


FORCEINLINE static FString CombineImpl(UE::Core::Private::TToStringType_T>... InPaths)


const TCHAR* Paths[] = { GetTCharPtr(InPaths)... };

FString Out;

CombineInternal(Out, Paths, UE_ARRAY_COUNT(Paths));

return Out;


FORCEINLINE static const TCHAR* GetTCharPtr(const TCHAR* Ptr)


return Ptr;


FORCEINLINE static const TCHAR* GetTCharPtr(const FString& Str)


return *Str;


/** Returns, if any, the value of the -userdir command line argument. This can be used to sandbox artifacts to a desired location */

static const FString& CustomUserDirArgument();

/** Returns, if any, the value of the -shaderworkingdir command line argument. This can be used to sandbox shader working files to a desired location */

static const FString& CustomShaderDirArgument();


