How to handle uncaught exception in Blazor project globally?

In a Blazor project, you can handle uncaught exceptions globally by using the App.OnUnhandledException event. This event is raised whenever an uncaught exception occurs in the application, and provides a way for you to handle the exception and prevent it from crashing the app.

Here is an example of how you might use the App.OnUnhandledException event to handle uncaught exceptions in a Blazor project:


using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Builder;

using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

namespace MyBlazorApp


public class Startup


public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)


// (configure services)


public void Configure(IBlazorApplicationBuilder app)


// handle uncaught exceptions globally


app.Services.GetRequiredService().OnUnhandledException += (sender, e) =>


// handle the exception

// (e.Exception contains the exception object)





In this example, the App.OnUnhandledException event is handled by a delegate that is registered when the app is configured. This delegate will be called whenever an uncaught exception occurs in the application, and it provides an opportunity to handle the exception in some way.

You can use this approach to log the exception, display an error message to the user, or take any other action that you think is appropriate. This can help prevent the app from crashing due to an unhandled exception, and can improve the overall stability and user experience of the app.

What does   app.AddComponent("app") mean? Why we need this?

In a Blazor project, the app.AddComponent("app") expression is used to add the root component of the app to the application's DOM. The app object is an instance of the IBlazorApplicationBuilder interface, which provides a way to configure and build the app. The AddComponent method is a method of this interface that is used to add a component to the app's DOM.

In this specific example, the AddComponent method is used to add the App component to the app's DOM. The App component is the root component of the Blazor app, and it serves as the entry point for the app. It is typically defined in the App.razor file in the root of the project.

The AddComponent method is called with a single string argument, "app", which specifies the ID of the

element that will be created in the app's DOM to contain the App component. This ID can be used to reference the App component from other parts of the app, if necessary.

In general, the app.AddComponent("app") expression is needed because it is required to add the root component of the app to the app's DOM in order for the app to function properly. Without this expression, the app will not have a root component and will not be able to render or run.

What's the file _Host.cshtml under Pages folder of Blazor project?

In a Blazor project, the _Host.cshtml file is a Razor file that defines the HTML host for the app. This file is typically located in the Pages folder of the project, and it is used to provide a container for the app's components.

The _Host.cshtml file typically contains a

element with an id attribute set to app. This
element serves as the root container for the app's components, and is the element that is targeted by the app.AddComponent("app") expression in the Startup class.

Here is an example of what the _Host.cshtml file might look like in a Blazor project:

My Blazor App

@(await Html.RenderComponentAsync(RenderMode.ServerPrerendered))

In this example, the _Host.cshtml file defines the HTML host for the app by creating a

element with an id attribute set to app. This
element is the root container for the app's components, and it is populated with the App component using the Html.RenderComponentAsync method. This ensures that the App component is rendered when the app is loaded in the browser.


 What if I have the following code snippet in _Home.cshtml, does it mean I don't need app.AddComponent("app")?




In a Blazor project, the app.AddComponent("app") expression is used to add the root component of the app to the application's DOM. This is typically done in the Startup class, and is required for the app to function properly.

If you have the following code snippet in your _Home.cshtml file:

then this will not replace the need for the app.AddComponent("app") expression in the Startup class. This code snippet defines a element and a element, but it does not actually add the root component of the app to the app's DOM.

In order for the app to function properly, you will still need to include the app.AddComponent("app") expression in the Startup class. This expression is required to add the App component to the app's DOM, and it is necessary for the app to be able to render and run.

You can include the code snippet from your _Home.cshtml file in addition to the app.AddComponent("app") expression, but it will not replace the need for this expression.



In this case, it appears that the element is being used to render the App component in the Blazor application. This means that the app.AddComponent("app") method is not necessary, because the App component is being added and rendered in a different way.

The element is used to specify the root component of a Blazor application, and the element is used to add and render individual components within the application. In this case, the element is being used to add and render the App component, and the type attribute is being used to specify the type of the component, while the render-mode attribute is being used to specify how the component should be rendered.

In general, the app.AddComponent("app") method and the and elements can be used interchangeably to add and render components in a Blazor application. The specific approach used will depend on the preferences of the developer and the requirements of the application.





