0x00 Chapter 10 Sibling Relationships

1.Sibling relationships describe a relationship that links two models to each other They are also known as many-to-many relationships

Unlike parent-child relationships, there are no constraints between models in a sibling relationship

For instance, if you model the relationship between pets and toys a pet can have one or more toys and a toy can be used by one or more pets

In the TIL application, you’ll be able to categorize acronyms. An acronym can be part of one or more categories and a category can contain one or more acronyms

2.Category model create a new file Category.swift in Sources/App/Models

import Vapor

import Fluent

final class Category: Model, Content {

static let schema = "categories"


var id: UUID?

@Field(key: "name")

var name: String

init() {}

init(id: UUID? = nil, name: String) {

self.id = id

self.name = name



3.Migration create a new file CreateCategory.swift in Sources/App/Migrations

import Fluent

struct CreateCategory: Migration {

func prepare(on database: Database) -> EventLoopFuture {



.field("name", .string, .required)



func revert(on database: Database) -> EventLoopFuture {




open configure.swift and add CreateCategory to the migration list, after app.migrations.add(CreateAcronym())


4.Category controller create a new file called CategoriesController.swift In Sources/App/Controllers

import Fluent

import Vapor

struct CategoriesController: RouteCollection {

func boot(routes: RoutesBuilder) throws {

let categoriesRoute = routes.grouped("api", "categories")

categoriesRoute.post(use: createHandler)

categoriesRoute.get(use: getAllHandler)

categoriesRoute.get(":categoryID", use: getHandler)

categoriesRoute.get(":categoryID", "acronyms", use: getAcronymsHandler)


func createHandler(_ req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture {

let category = try req.content.decode(Category.self)

return category.save(on: req.db).map { category }


func getAllHandler(_ req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<[Category]> {

Category.query(on: req.db).all()



func getHandler(_ req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture {

Category.find(req.parameters.get("categoryID"), on: req.db)

.unwrap(or: Abort(.notFound))



func getAcronymsHandler(_ req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<[Acronym]> {

Category.find(req.parameters.get("categoryID"), on: req.db)

.unwrap(or: Abort(.notFound))

.flatMap { category in

category.$acronyms.get(on: req.db)




open routes.swift and register the controller by adding the following to the end of routes(_:)


通过 Rested 提交 category 数据 url: method:POST parameter:{"name": "Teenager"}

5.Creating a pivot In Chapter 9, “Parent Child Relationships”, you added a reference to the user in the acronym to create the relationship between an acronym and a user

However, you can’t model a sibling relationship like this as it would be too inefficient to query

You need a separate model to hold on to this relationship. In Fluent, this is a pivot

create file called AcronymCategoryPivot.swift in Sources/App/Models

import Vapor

import Fluent

final class AcronymCategoryPivot: Model {

static let schema = "acronym-category-pivot"


var id: UUID?

@Parent(key: "acronymID")

var acronym: Acronym

@Parent(key: "categoryID")

var category: Category

init() {}

init(id: UUID? = nil, acronym: Acronym, category: Category) throws {

self.id = id

self.$acronym.id = try acronym.requireID()

self.$category.id = try category.requireID()



Create CreateAcronymCategoryPivot.swift in Sources/App/Migrations

import Fluent

struct CreateAcronymCategoryPivot: Migration {

func prepare(on database: Database) -> EventLoopFuture {



.field("acronymID", .uuid, .required, .references("acronyms", "id", onDelete: .cascade))

.field("categoryID", .uuid, .required, .references("categories", "id", onDelete: .cascade))



func revert(on database: Database) -> EventLoopFuture {




As in Chapter 9, “Parent Child Relationships,” it’s good practice to use foreign key constraints with sibling relationships

The migration also sets a cascade schema reference action when you delete the model. This causes the database to remove the relationship automatically instead of throwing an error

open configure.swift and add CreateAcronymCategoryPivot to the migration list, after app.migrations.add(CreateCategory())


0x01 创建关联关系(多对多)

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