Ubuntu 20.04编译安装BlueZ-5.6



官网链接: http://www.bluez.org/download/. github链接: https://github.com/bluez/bluez.


wget http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/bluetooth/bluez-5.60.tar.xz tar xvf bluez-5.60.tar.xz



./configure --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var


1.error: GLib >= 2.28 is required

sudo apt install libglib2.0-dev

2.error: D-Bus >= 1.6 is required

sudo apt install libdbus-1-dev

3.error: libudev >= 172 is required

sudo apt install libudev-dev

4.error: libical is required

sudo apt install libical-dev

5.error: readline header files are required

sudo apt install libreadline-dev

6.error: rst2man is required

sudo apt install python-docutils sudo which rst2man

sudo apt-get install libdw-dev

./bootstrap: 5: libtoolize: not found



config.status: creating Makefile

config.status: creating src/bluetoothd.rst

config.status: creating lib/bluez.pc

config.status: creating mesh/bluetooth-meshd.rst

config.status: creating config.h

config.status: executing depfiles commands

config.status: executing libtool commands

编译和安装 然后执行make

sudo make sudo make install


1 bluetoothctl



[bluetooth]# help Menu main:

Available commands:

advertise Advertise Options Submenu

scan Scan Options Submenu

gatt Generic Attribute Submenu

list List available controllers

show [ctrl] Controller information

select Select default controller

devices List available devices

paired-devices List paired devices

system-alias Set controller alias

reset-alias Reset controller alias

power Set controller power

pairable Set controller pairable mode

discoverable Set controller discoverable mode

discoverable-timeout [value] Set discoverable timeout

agent Enable/disable agent with given capability

default-agent Set agent as the default one

advertise Enable/disable advertising with given type

set-alias Set device alias

scan Scan for devices

info [dev] Device information

pair [dev] Pair with device

trust [dev] Trust device

untrust [dev] Untrust device

block [dev] Block device

unblock [dev] Unblock device

remove Remove device

connect Connect device

disconnect [dev] Disconnect device

menu Select submenu

version Display version

quit Quit program

exit Quit program

help Display help about this program

export Print environment variables


power on:打开蓝牙总开关,同理power off就是关闭蓝牙总开关,下面的命令也是同理。 show:显示本地蓝牙适配器的信息。 discoverable on:设置经典蓝牙可被发现,开启后手机的蓝牙设置界面可以搜索到该蓝牙设备。 pair on:使能经典蓝牙的可配对。 system-alias:设置设备的蓝牙别名,即手机蓝牙设置界面扫描时看到的设备名。 agent NoInputNoOutput:设置配对能力级为无输入无输出,设置成该agent后经典蓝牙配对时设备无需输入配对码,手机上点击确定即可完成配对。 scan on:开启蓝牙扫描,如果设备支持双模蓝牙,那么会同时扫描经典蓝牙和低功耗蓝牙,扫描一段时间后可以通过scan off关闭扫描。 devices:列出当前可用列表,该列表包含了已配对的设备和刚扫描到的设备。 info:查看某一设备的具体信息。 connect:尝试连接设备。 disconnect:断开设备连接。 pair:发起配对。 advertise on:开启BLE广播。 remove:移除设备,如果是已配对的设备,绑定关系也会移除。 menu:进入子菜单,目前有advertise、scan、gatt三个子菜单,分别用于设置BLE广播信息、扫描过滤、GATT设置。 举例说明如何使用bluetoothctl连接蓝牙外设:

运行bluetoothctl,输入power on命令使能蓝牙。 蓝牙外设开机并使其广播,使用scan on命令开启扫描,等扫描到目标蓝牙外设后使用scan off命令停止扫描。 使用devices命令查看扫描到的设备地址,,复制该外设对应的蓝牙MAC地址xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx。 使用connect xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx命令连接蓝牙外设,有些外设首次连接需要配对,将connect改为pair即可。

2 hciconfig

hciconfig工具可以实现一些bluetoothctl工具无法完成的功能,bluetoothctl偏向于蓝牙应用层,而hciconfig则偏向于蓝牙层本身。例如hciconfig工具可以设置BR/EDR的inquiry scan参数和page scan参数、设置ACL、SCO的MTU等。具体的用法可以使用hciconfig --help命令来获得。(命令示例 hciconfig hci0 reset)

3 l2ping




l2ping - L2CAP ping


l2ping [-i device] [-s size] [-c count] [-t timeout] [-d delay] [-f] [-r] [-v]

-f Flood ping (delay = 0)

-r Reverse ping

-v Verify request and response payload


-i:指定hci接口,例如-i 0是指定hci0,默认就是hci0 -s:指定ping包大小,默认是44字节 -c:指定ping包个数 -t:指定最大超时时间,单位是秒 -d:指定两个ping包之间的间隔,单位是秒 -f:相当于-d 0,ping包之间没有间隔,只要收到应答就发送下一个ping包 -r:接收ping包 -v:校验发送与接收到的ping包内容 :指定目标设备的蓝牙地址,格式为xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx 命令示例:

/home/bluez # ./l2ping -f -s 512 -c 10 -t 1 34:1C:F0:F1:E5:3F

Ping: 34:1C:F0:F1:E5:3F from 40:24:B2:D1:F2:A8 (data size 512) ...

512 bytes from 34:1C:F0:F1:E5:3F id 0 time 209.38ms

512 bytes from 34:1C:F0:F1:E5:3F id 1 time 83.60ms

512 bytes from 34:1C:F0:F1:E5:3F id 2 time 81.16ms

512 bytes from 34:1C:F0:F1:E5:3F id 3 time 41.26ms

512 bytes from 34:1C:F0:F1:E5:3F id 4 time 42.35ms

512 bytes from 34:1C:F0:F1:E5:3F id 5 time 108.65ms

512 bytes from 34:1C:F0:F1:E5:3F id 6 time 38.67ms

512 bytes from 34:1C:F0:F1:E5:3F id 7 time 48.65ms

512 bytes from 34:1C:F0:F1:E5:3F id 8 time 44.94ms

512 bytes from 34:1C:F0:F1:E5:3F id 9 time 56.19ms

10 sent, 10 received, 0% loss

4 l2test


服务器:./l2test -r -b 100000 发送端:./l2test -s xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx


/home/bluez # ./l2test -r -b 100000

l2test[836]: Waiting for connection on psm 4113 ...

bluetoothd[489]: src/adapter.c:connected_callback() hci0 device 78:F2:35:0E:D0:46 connected eir_len 11

bluetoothd[489]: src/adapter.c:new_link_key_callback() hci0 new key for 78:F2:35:0E:D0:46 type 4 pin_len 0 store_hint 0

bluetoothd[489]: src/device.c:device_bonding_complete() bonding (nil) status 0x00

bluetoothd[489]: src/adapter.c:resume_discovery()

l2test[837]: Connected to 78:F2:35:0E:D0:46 (bredr, psm 4113, dcid 64)

l2test[837]: Local device B8:4D:43:35:42:9D (bredr, psm 4113, scid 64)

l2test[837]: Options [imtu 672, omtu 672, flush_to 65535, mode 0, handle 2, class 0x000000, priority 0, rcvbuf 163840]

l2test[837]: Receiving ...

l2test[837]: 100128 bytes in 0.84 sec, 117.10 kB/s

l2test[837]: 100128 bytes in 0.87 sec, 112.98 kB/s

l2test[837]: 100128 bytes in 0.89 sec, 110.14 kB/s

l2test[837]: 100128 bytes in 0.81 sec, 120.81 kB/s

l2test[837]: 100128 bytes in 0.83 sec, 118.36 kB/s


5 hcidump


< HCI Command: LE Set Advertising Parameters (0x08|0x0006) plen 15 min 100.000ms, max 100.000ms type 0x00 (ADV_IND - Connectable undirected advertising) ownbdaddr 0x00 (Public) directbdaddr 0x00 (Public) 00:00:00:00:00:00 channelmap 0x07 filterpolicy 0x00 (Allow scan from any, connection from any)

HCI Event: Command Complete (0x0e) plen 4 LE Set Advertising Parameters (0x08|0x0006) ncmd 2 status 0x00 < HCI Command: LE Set Advertise Enable (0x08|0x000a) plen 1 HCI Event: Command Complete (0x0e) plen 4 LE Set Advertise Enable (0x08|0x000a) ncmd 2 status 0x00 直接打印在控制台的方式比较简陋,而且不利于后期分析,可以用hcidump -w output_file & 命令将日志记录在指定文件中,并在后台运行,待记录完数据后再将日志传回PC,直接使用Wireshark打开,效果如下图所示。

