

@interface MyClass : NSObject

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *array;

@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *string;

- (void)method1;

- (void)method2;

+ (void)classMethod1;



@interface MyClass() {

NSInteger _instance1;

NSString *_instance2;


@property (nonatomic, assign) NSUInteger integer;

- (void)method3WithArg1:(NSInteger)arg1 arg2:(NSString *)arg2;


@implementation MyClass

+ (void)classMethod1 {


- (void)method1 {

NSLog(@"call method method1");


- (void)method2 {


- (void)method3WithArg1:(NSInteger)arg1 arg2:(NSString *)arg2 {

NSLog(@"arg1: %ld, arg2: %@", arg1, arg2);




- (void)viewDidLoad {

[super viewDidLoad];

// ios类和对象操作函数

MyClass *myClass = [[MyClass alloc] init];

unsigned int outCount = 0;

Class cls = myClass.class;

NSLog(@"class name: %s", class_getName(cls)); // 类名

NSLog(@"super class name: %s", class_getName(class_getSuperclass(cls))); // 父类

NSLog(@"MyClass is %@ a meta-class", (class_isMetaClass(cls) ? @"yes" : @"not")); // 是否元类

Class meta_class = objc_getMetaClass(class_getName(cls));

NSLog(@"%s's meta-class is %s", class_getName(cls), class_getName(meta_class));

NSLog(@"instance size: %zu", class_getInstanceSize(cls)); // 变量实例大小

// 获取成员变量

Ivar *ivars = class_copyIvarList(cls, &outCount);

for (int i=0;i

Ivar ivar = ivars[i];

NSLog(@"instance variable's name: %s at index: %d", ivar_getName(ivar), i);



Ivar string = class_getInstanceVariable(cls, "_string");

if (string != NULL) {

NSLog(@"instance variable %s", ivar_getName(string));


// 属性操作

objc_property_t *properties = class_copyPropertyList(cls, &outCount);

for (int i=0;i

objc_property_t property = properties[i];

NSLog(@"property's name: %s", property_getName(property));



objc_property_t array = class_getProperty(cls, "array");

if (array != NULL) {

NSLog(@"property %s", property_getName(array));


// 方法操作

Method *methods = class_copyMethodList(cls, &outCount);

for (int i=0;i

Method method = methods[i];

NSLog(@"method's signature: %s", method_getName(method));



Method method1 = class_getInstanceMethod(cls, @selector(method1));

if (method1 != NULL) {

NSLog(@"method %s", method_getName(method1));


Method classMethod = class_getClassMethod(cls, @selector(classMethod1));

if (classMethod != NULL) {

NSLog(@"class method: %s", method_getName(classMethod));


NSLog(@"MyClass is %@ response to selector: method3WithArg1:arg2:", class_respondsToSelector(cls, @selector(method3WithArg1:arg2:)) ? @"yes" : @"not");

IMP imp = class_getMethodImplementation(cls, @selector(method1));


// 协议

Protocol * __unsafe_unretained *protocols = class_copyProtocolList(cls, &outCount);

Protocol *protocol;

for (int i=0;i

protocol = protocols[i];

NSLog(@"protocol name: %s", protocol_getName(protocol));


NSLog(@"MyClass is %@ response to protocol %s", class_conformsToProtocol(cls, protocol) ? @"yes" : @"not", protocol_getName(protocol));



2022-02-16 23:56:40.772652+0800 Test[56833:11021466] class name: MyClass

2022-02-16 23:56:40.772701+0800 Test[56833:11021466] super class name: NSObject

2022-02-16 23:56:40.772724+0800 Test[56833:11021466] MyClass is not a meta-class

2022-02-16 23:56:40.772747+0800 Test[56833:11021466] MyClass's meta-class is MyClass

2022-02-16 23:56:40.772766+0800 Test[56833:11021466] instance size: 48

2022-02-16 23:56:40.772786+0800 Test[56833:11021466] instance variable's name: _instance1 at index: 0

2022-02-16 23:56:40.772804+0800 Test[56833:11021466] instance variable's name: _instance2 at index: 1

2022-02-16 23:56:40.772821+0800 Test[56833:11021466] instance variable's name: _array at index: 2

2022-02-16 23:56:40.772837+0800 Test[56833:11021466] instance variable's name: _string at index: 3

2022-02-16 23:56:40.772853+0800 Test[56833:11021466] instance variable's name: _integer at index: 4

2022-02-16 23:56:40.772870+0800 Test[56833:11021466] instance variable _string

2022-02-16 23:56:40.772886+0800 Test[56833:11021466] property's name: integer

2022-02-16 23:56:40.772904+0800 Test[56833:11021466] property's name: array

2022-02-16 23:56:40.772920+0800 Test[56833:11021466] property's name: string

2022-02-16 23:56:40.772936+0800 Test[56833:11021466] property array

2022-02-16 23:56:40.772952+0800 Test[56833:11021466] method's signature: method1

2022-02-16 23:56:40.772976+0800 Test[56833:11021466] method's signature: method2

2022-02-16 23:56:40.773216+0800 Test[56833:11021466] method's signature: method3WithArg1:arg2:

2022-02-16 23:56:40.773334+0800 Test[56833:11021466] method's signature: array

2022-02-16 23:56:40.773442+0800 Test[56833:11021466] method's signature: setArray:

2022-02-16 23:56:40.773543+0800 Test[56833:11021466] method's signature: string

2022-02-16 23:56:40.773650+0800 Test[56833:11021466] method's signature: setString:

2022-02-16 23:56:40.773753+0800 Test[56833:11021466] method's signature: integer

2022-02-16 23:56:40.773881+0800 Test[56833:11021466] method's signature: setInteger:

2022-02-16 23:56:40.774018+0800 Test[56833:11021466] method's signature: .cxx_destruct

2022-02-16 23:56:40.774132+0800 Test[56833:11021466] method method1

2022-02-16 23:56:40.774249+0800 Test[56833:11021466] class method: classMethod1

2022-02-16 23:56:40.774394+0800 Test[56833:11021466] MyClass is yes response to selector: method3WithArg1:arg2:

2022-02-16 23:56:40.774497+0800 Test[56833:11021466] call method method1

2022-02-16 23:56:40.774612+0800 Test[56833:11021466] protocol name: NSCopying

2022-02-16 23:56:40.774691+0800 Test[56833:11021466] protocol name: NSCoding

2022-02-16 23:56:40.774924+0800 Test[56833:11021466] MyClass is yes response to protocol NSCoding

