
import 'package:jade/configs/PathConfig.dart';

import 'package:jade/customWidget/MyCustomIndicator.dart';


import 'package:jade/homePage/promotion/promotionPost/MyPromotionListSecond.dart';

import 'package:atui/jade/utils/JadeColors.dart';

import 'package:atui/util/navigator_util.dart';

import 'package:atui/widget/custom_appbar.dart';

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

import 'package:flutter_screenutil/flutter_screenutil.dart';

class MyPromotionListMain extends StatefulWidget{


State createState() {

// TODO: implement createState

return _MyPromotionListMain();



class _MyPromotionListMain extends State with TickerProviderStateMixin{

List _tabs = ['我发布的','我推享的','我的阿推码'];

TabController _tabController;


void initState() {

// TODO: implement initState


_tabController = TabController(

// initialIndex: widget.initialIndex??0,

length: _tabs.length,vsync: this);



void dispose() {

// TODO: implement dispose





Widget build(BuildContext context) {

// TODO: implement build

return Scaffold(

backgroundColor: Colors.white,

appBar: CustomAppBar(

backgroundColor: Colors.white,

elevation: 0,

leading: GestureDetector(

onTap: () {



child: Icon(Icons.arrow_back_ios),


iconTheme: IconThemeData(color: Color(0xff999999)),

title: Row(

mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,

children: [



margin: EdgeInsets.only(right: 34.w),

child: Text(


style: TextStyle(color: Colors.black),




child: Container(

color: Colors.transparent,

padding: EdgeInsets.all(4),

child: Image.asset(PathConfig.iconQuestion,height: 40.w),


onTap: () {






centerTitle: true,


body: _body()




return Column(

children: [



height: 2.w,

width: double.infinity,

color: JadeColors.lightGrey,

margin: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 20.w),


Expanded(child: _tabView())





return TabBar(

isScrollable: false,

labelPadding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 0),

indicator: MyCustomIndicator(),

labelColor: Color(0xff333333),

labelStyle: TextStyle(

fontSize: 30.sp,

fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,


unselectedLabelColor: JadeColors.grey,

unselectedLabelStyle: TextStyle(

fontSize: 30.sp,

fontWeight: FontWeight.w300


indicatorSize: TabBarIndicatorSize.label,

controller: _tabController,

tabs: _tabs

.map((value) => Container(padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 20.w),child: Text(value))).toList(),

onTap: (index) {},




return TabBarView(

//physics: const NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),

controller: _tabController,

children: [

MyPromotionListSecond(type: 0),

MyPromotionListSecond(type: 1),

MyPromotionListSecond(type: 2)






import 'package:-jade/homePage/promotion/promotionPost/MyPromotionList.dart';

import 'package:jade/utils/JadeColors.dart';

import 'package:util/tab/customize_dicator.dart';

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

import 'package:flutter_screenutil/flutter_screenutil.dart';


* 状态这一级的tabBar页面

* */

class TabTypeMode {

int status;

String title;






class MyPromotionListSecond extends StatefulWidget{

final int type; //0我发布的 1我推享的 2我的阿推码

const MyPromotionListSecond({@required this.type});


State createState() {

// TODO: implement createState

return _MyPromotionListSecond();



class _MyPromotionListSecond extends State with TickerProviderStateMixin{

List _tabs = [];

TabController _tabController;


void initState() {

// TODO: implement initState

if(widget.type == 2){

_tabs = [

TabTypeMode(status: 0,title: '全部'),

TabTypeMode(status: 1,title: '待使用'),

TabTypeMode(status: 2,title: '已使用'),

TabTypeMode(status: 3,title: '已失效')



_tabs = [

TabTypeMode(status: 0,title: '全部'),

TabTypeMode(status: 1,title: '进行中'),

TabTypeMode(status: 2,title: '已结束')




_tabController = TabController(

// initialIndex: widget.initialIndex??0,

length: _tabs.length,vsync: this);



void dispose() {

// TODO: implement dispose





Widget build(BuildContext context) {

// TODO: implement build

return _body();



return Column(

children: [


margin: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 20.w),

alignment: Alignment.centerLeft,

child: _tabBarView(),


Expanded(child: _tabView())





return TabBar(

isScrollable: true,

labelPadding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 0),

indicator: MyUnderlineTabIndicator(


BorderSide(width: 2, color: JadeColors.yellow),

insets: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 5)),

labelColor: Color(0xff333333),

labelStyle: TextStyle(

fontSize: 30.sp,

fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,


unselectedLabelColor: JadeColors.grey,

unselectedLabelStyle: TextStyle(

fontSize: 30.sp,

fontWeight: FontWeight.w300


indicatorWeight: 20.w,

indicatorSize: TabBarIndicatorSize.label,

controller: _tabController,

tabs: _tabs

.map((value) => Container(padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 20.w),child: Text(value.title))).toList(),

onTap: (index) {},




return TabBarView(

//physics: const NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),

controller: _tabController,

children: _tabs.map((value) {

return MyPromotionList(widget.type,value.status);






import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class MyCustomIndicator extends Decoration {

final double indWidth;

final double indHeight;

final double radius;

MyCustomIndicator({this.indWidth = 70.0, this.indHeight = 12.0, this.radius = 5});


BoxPainter createBoxPainter([VoidCallback onChanged]) {

return _CustomBoxPainter(this, onChanged, indWidth, indHeight, radius);



class _CustomBoxPainter extends BoxPainter {

final MyCustomIndicator decoration;

final double indWidth;

final double indHeight;

final double radius;

_CustomBoxPainter(this.decoration, VoidCallback onChanged, this.indWidth, this.indHeight, this.radius)

: super(onChanged);


void paint(Canvas canvas, Offset offset, ImageConfiguration configuration) {

final size = configuration.size;

final newOffset = Offset(offset.dx + (size.width - indWidth) / 2, size.height - indHeight);

final Rect rect = newOffset & Size(indWidth, indHeight);

final Paint paint = Paint();

paint.color = Colors.yellow;

paint.style = PaintingStyle.fill;


RRect.fromRectAndRadius(rect, Radius.circular(radius)), // 圆角半径





// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file.

import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; import ‘package:flutter/widgets.dart’;

/// Used with [TabBar.indicator] to draw a horizontal line below the /// selected tab. /// /// The selected tab underline is inset from the tab’s boundary by [insets]. /// The [borderSide] defines the line’s color and weight. /// /// The [TabBar.indicatorSize] property can be used to define the indicator’s /// bounds in terms of its (centered) widget with [TabIndicatorSize.label], /// or the entire tab with [TabIndicatorSize.tab]. class MyUnderlineTabIndicator extends Decoration { /// Create an underline style selected tab indicator. /// /// The [borderSide] and [insets] arguments must not be null. const MyUnderlineTabIndicator({ this.borderSide = const BorderSide(width: 2.0, color: Colors.white), this.insets = EdgeInsets.zero, }) : assert(borderSide != null), assert(insets != null);

/// The color and weight of the horizontal line drawn below the selected tab. final BorderSide borderSide;

/// Locates the selected tab’s underline relative to the tab’s boundary. /// /// The [TabBar.indicatorSize] property can be used to define the /// tab indicator’s bounds in terms of its (centered) tab widget with /// [TabIndicatorSize.label], or the entire tab with [TabIndicatorSize.tab]. final EdgeInsetsGeometry insets;

@override Decoration lerpFrom(Decoration a, double t) { if (a is UnderlineTabIndicator) { return UnderlineTabIndicator( borderSide: BorderSide.lerp(a.borderSide, borderSide, t), insets: EdgeInsetsGeometry.lerp(a.insets, insets, t), ); } return super.lerpFrom(a, t); }

@override Decoration lerpTo(Decoration b, double t) { if (b is MyUnderlineTabIndicator) { return MyUnderlineTabIndicator( borderSide: BorderSide.lerp(borderSide, b.borderSide, t), insets: EdgeInsetsGeometry.lerp(insets, b.insets, t), ); } return super.lerpTo(b, t); }

@override _MyUnderlinePainter createBoxPainter([ VoidCallback onChanged ]) { return _MyUnderlinePainter(this, onChanged); } }

class _MyUnderlinePainter extends BoxPainter { _MyUnderlinePainter(this.decoration, VoidCallback onChanged) : assert(decoration != null), super(onChanged);

final MyUnderlineTabIndicator decoration;

BorderSide get borderSide => decoration.borderSide; EdgeInsetsGeometry get insets => decoration.insets;

Rect _indicatorRectFor(Rect rect, TextDirection textDirection) { assert(rect != null); assert(textDirection != null); final Rect indicator = insets.resolve(textDirection).deflateRect(rect);


double wantWidth = 14;


double cw = (indicator.left + indicator.right) / 2;

return Rect.fromLTWH(cw - wantWidth / 2,

indicator.bottom - borderSide.width, wantWidth, borderSide.width);


@override void paint(Canvas canvas, Offset offset, ImageConfiguration configuration) { assert(configuration != null); assert(configuration.size != null); final Rect rect = offset & configuration.size; final TextDirection textDirection = configuration.textDirection; final Rect indicator = _indicatorRectFor(rect, textDirection).deflate(borderSide.width / 2.0); // final Paint paint = borderSide.toPaint()…strokeCap = StrokeCap.square; // 改为圆角 final Paint paint = borderSide.toPaint()…strokeCap = StrokeCap.round; canvas.drawLine(indicator.bottomLeft, indicator.bottomRight, paint); } }

