
.flink run -d -t yarn-per-job -c my.test.FlinkaStreamTest My-test-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

报错信息:Exception in thread “Thread-5” java.lang.IllegalStateException: Trying to access closed classloader. Please check if you store classloaders directly or indirectly in static fields. If the stacktrace suggests that the leak occurs in a third party library and cannot be fixed immediately, you can disable this check with the configuration ‘classloader.check-leaked-classloader’. 类加载器相关的报错,可能是类加载器问题 您可以使用配置“classloader.check-leaked-classloader”禁用此检查。 编辑flink-conf.yaml 增加 :classloader.check-leaked-classloader: false , 保存后重启任务即可

