前言在hadoop的FsShell命令中,预计非常多人比較经常使用的就是hadoop fs -ls,-lsr,-cat等等这种与Linux系统中差点儿一致的文件系统相关的命令.可是细致想想,这里还是有一些些的不同的.首先,从规模的本身来看,单机版的文件系统,文件数目少,内容不多,而HDFS则是一个分布式系统,里面能容纳巨大数量的文件文件夹.因此在这个前提之下,你假设任意运行ls或lsr命令,有的时候会得到恐怖的数据条数的显示记录,有的时候我们不得不通过Ctrl+C的方式中止命令.所以对于未知文件夹的命令运行,能否够在ls命令中添加显示限制的參数呢,这样能够控制一下文件记录信息的数量.这就是本文的一个出发点.Ls命令工作流程要想加入參数,就要先理解眼下Ls命令工作的原理和过程.以下我从源码的层面进行简单的分析.首先这里有个结构关系:Ls-->FsCommand-->Command从左到右依次为孩子到父亲.所以Command类是最基础的类,命令行操作的运行入口就在这里.进入到Command.java方法中,你会看到有以下这种方法:/**

* Invokes the command handler. The default behavior is to process options,

* expand arguments, and then process each argument.


* run

* |-> {@link #processOptions(LinkedList)}

* \-> {@link #processRawArguments(LinkedList)}

* |-> {@link #expandArguments(LinkedList)}

* | \-> {@link #expandArgument(String)}*

* \-> {@link #processArguments(LinkedList)}

* |-> {@link #processArgument(PathData)}*

* | |-> {@link #processPathArgument(PathData)}

* | \-> {@link #processPaths(PathData, PathData...)}

* | \-> {@link #processPath(PathData)}*

* \-> {@link #processNonexistentPath(PathData)}


* Most commands will chose to implement just

* {@link #processOptions(LinkedList)} and {@link #processPath(PathData)}


* @param argv the list of command line arguments

* @return the exit code for the command

* @throws IllegalArgumentException if called with invalid arguments


public int run(String...argv) {

LinkedList args = new LinkedList(Arrays.asList(argv));

try {

if (isDeprecated()) {


"DEPRECATED: Please use '"+ getReplacementCommand() + "' instead.");




} catch (IOException e) {



return (numErrors == 0) ? exitCode : exitCodeForError();

}首先会进行參数的预处理,在这里会把參数中的一些參数给剥离出来,由于这是一个抽象方法,所以终于的实现类在Ls.java中,代码例如以下: @Override

protected void processOptions(LinkedList args)

throws IOException {

CommandFormat cf = new CommandFormat(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "d", "h", "R");


dirRecurse = !cf.getOpt("d");

setRecursive(cf.getOpt("R") && dirRecurse);

humanReadable = cf.getOpt("h");

if (args.isEmpty()) args.add(Path.CUR_DIR);

}把这些參数逐一取出,然后这些參数会从args列表中被移除,最后就会剩下详细的目标浏览文件或文件夹的參数.以下就会进入到这种方法中: /**

* Allows commands that don't use paths to handle the raw arguments.

* Default behavior is to expand the arguments via

* {@link #expandArguments(LinkedList)} and pass the resulting list to

* {@link #processArguments(LinkedList)}

* @param args the list of argument strings

* @throws IOException


protected void processRawArguments(LinkedList args)

throws IOException {


}然后在expandArguments中会做一层从文件字符串到PathData详细对象的转化 /**

* Expands a list of arguments into {@link PathData} objects. The default

* behavior is to call {@link #expandArgument(String)} on each element

* which by default globs the argument. The loop catches IOExceptions,

* increments the error count, and displays the exception.

* @param args strings to expand into {@link PathData} objects

* @return list of all {@link PathData} objects the arguments

* @throws IOException if anything goes wrong...


protected LinkedList expandArguments(LinkedList args)

throws IOException {

LinkedList expandedArgs = new LinkedList();

for (String arg : args) {

try {


} catch (IOException e) { // other exceptions are probably nasty




return expandedArgs;

} /**

* Expand the given argument into a list of {@link PathData} objects.

* The default behavior is to expand globs. Commands may override to

* perform other expansions on an argument.

* @param arg string pattern to expand

* @return list of {@link PathData} objects

* @throws IOException if anything goes wrong...


protected List expandArgument(String arg) throws IOException {

PathData[] items = PathData.expandAsGlob(arg, getConf());

if (items.length == 0) {

// it's a glob that failed to match

throw new PathNotFoundException(arg);


return Arrays.asList(items);


* Processes the command's list of expanded arguments.

* {@link #processArgument(PathData)} will be invoked with each item

* in the list. The loop catches IOExceptions, increments the error

* count, and displays the exception.

* @param args a list of {@link PathData} to process

* @throws IOException if anything goes wrong...


protected void processArguments(LinkedList args)

throws IOException {

for (PathData arg : args) {

try {


} catch (IOException e) {




}然后对每一个pathData信息运行处理操作 /**

* Processes a {@link PathData} item, calling

* {@link #processPathArgument(PathData)} or

* {@link #processNonexistentPath(PathData)} on each item.

* @param item {@link PathData} item to process

* @throws IOException if anything goes wrong...


protected void processArgument(PathData item) throws IOException {

if (item.exists) {


} else {



}然后运行Ls.java中的processPathArgument方法 @Override

protected void processPathArgument(PathData item) throws IOException {

// implicitly recurse once for cmdline directories

if (dirRecurse && item.stat.isDirectory()) {


} else {



}在这里会进程是否为文件夹的推断,假设是文件夹则会进行递归推断一次,进行子文件夹文件的展示.我们直接看是单文件的处理,基础方法在Comman.java中定义. /**

* This is the last chance to modify an argument before going into the

* (possibly) recursive {@link #processPaths(PathData, PathData...)}

* -> {@link #processPath(PathData)} loop. Ex. ls and du use this to

* expand out directories.

* @param item a {@link PathData} representing a path which exists

* @throws IOException if anything goes wrong...


protected void processPathArgument(PathData item) throws IOException {

// null indicates that the call is not via recursion, ie. there is

// no parent directory that was expanded

depth = 0;

processPaths(null, item);

}然后processPaths又是在子类中详细实现 @Override

protected void processPaths(PathData parent, PathData ... items)

throws IOException {

if (parent != null && !isRecursive() && items.length != 0) {

out.println("Found " + items.length + " items");



super.processPaths(parent, items);

}然后再次进行一个相似这种来回,运行processPaths方法 /**

* Iterates over the given expanded paths and invokes

* {@link #processPath(PathData)} on each element. If "recursive" is true,

* will do a post-visit DFS on directories.

* @param parent if called via a recurse, will be the parent dir, else null

* @param items a list of {@link PathData} objects to process

* @throws IOException if anything goes wrong...


protected void processPaths(PathData parent, PathData ... items)

throws IOException {

// TODO: this really should be iterative

for (PathData item : items) {

try {


if (recursive && isPathRecursable(item)) {




} catch (IOException e) {





protected void processPath(PathData item) throws IOException {

FileStatus stat = item.stat;

String line = String.format(lineFormat,

(stat.isDirectory() ? "d" : "-"),

stat.getPermission() + (stat.getPermission().getAclBit() ? "+" : " "),

(stat.isFile() ? stat.getReplication() : "-"),




dateFormat.format(new Date(stat.getModificationTime())),




}到这里整个ls调用的流程就基本结束了,预计有些读者要被这来回的方法绕晕了,只是没有关系,我们主要知道终于控制文件显示的方法在哪里,稍稍改改就能够达到我们的目的.Ls限制显示參数的加入如今我来教大家怎样新增ls命令參数.首先定义參数说明public static final String NAME = "ls";

public static final String USAGE = "[-d] [-h] [-R] [-l] [ ...]";

public static final String DESCRIPTION =

"List the contents that match the specified file pattern. If " +

"path is not specified, the contents of /user/ " +

@@ -53,7 +55,9 @@ public static void registerCommands(CommandFactory factory) {

"-d: Directories are listed as plain files.\n" +

"-h: Formats the sizes of files in a human-readable fashion " +

"rather than a number of bytes.\n" +=

"-R: Recursively list the contents of directories.\n" +

"-l: The limited number of files records's info which would be " +

"displayed, the max value is 1024.\n";定义相关变量

protected int maxRepl = 3, maxLen = 10, maxOwner = 0, maxGroup = 0;

protected int limitedDisplayedNum = 1024;

protected int displayedRecordNum = 0;

protected String lineFormat;

protected boolean dirRecurse;

protected boolean limitedDisplay = false;

protected boolean humanReadable = false;默认最大显示数目1024个.然后在參数解析的方法中进行新增參数的解析 @Override

protected void processOptions(LinkedList args)

throws IOException {

CommandFormat cf = new CommandFormat(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "d", "h", "R", "l");


dirRecurse = !cf.getOpt("d");

setRecursive(cf.getOpt("R") && dirRecurse);

humanReadable = cf.getOpt("h");

limitedDisplay = cf.getOpt("l");

if (args.isEmpty()) args.add(Path.CUR_DIR);

}然后是最核心的修改,processPaths方法protected void processPaths(PathData parent, PathData ... items)

if (parent != null && !isRecursive() && items.length != 0) {

out.println("Found " + items.length " items");


PathData[] newItems;

if (limitedDisplay) {

int length = items.length;

if (length > limitedDisplayedNum) {

length = limitedDisplayedNum;

out.println("Found " + items.length + " items"

+ ", more than the limited displayed num " + limitedDisplayedNum);


newItems = new PathData[length];

for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {

newItems[i] = items[i];


items = null;

} else {

newItems = items;



super.processPaths(parent, newItems);

}逻辑不难. 以下是測试的一个样例,我在測试的jar包中设置了默认限制数目1个,然后用ls命令分别測试带參数与不带參数的情况,測试截图例如以下:此部分代码已经提交至开源社区,编号HADOOP-12641.链接在文章尾部列出.相关链接Issue链接:https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-12641github patch链接:https://github.com/linyiqun/open-source-patch/blob/master/hadoop/HADOOP-12641/HADOOP-12641.001.patch
