Download VTKMY 3.3

Download VS2010

Download CMake 3.2.0


I assume you've already installed VS2010 and CMake 3.2.0 correctly.


Compile the VTKMY:

Start CMake 3.2.0, fill the source and destination:

source: C:/VTKMY/vtkMy-3.3

destination: C:/VTKMY/VS2010

Click Configure and use Visual Studio 10 2010 to complie.


When first configure is done, select Grouped and Advanced.



click Configure again.

After configure is done (No errors show), click Generate.


Go back to your build folder, open VTKMY.sln, choose Release mode, right click ALL_BUILD, choose Rebuild.

Wait a long time for make process, have a cup of coffee :)

After rebuild is done, right click INSTALL, choose Build.


Now, the configuration is done, enjoy it :)


Create a new empty project,


Project->Project Property->Configuration Properties->VC++Directories ->Include Directories:



Project->Project Property->Configuration Properties->VC++Directories ->Library Directories:



Project->Project Property->Configuration Properties->Linker->Input:

